Whilst it is true that everyone is an individual with a delicate mix of different parts it is also true to say we all have elements of the four main personality traits outlined here.
The strongest side of our personality indicates what we are like most of the time. A comprehensive profile explains how we think and how we are likely to react in a given situation. Understanding this enables us to get the best out of the situation ourselves
The mistake we all make is in thinking that what motivates us should also motivate others. If it doesn't we sell, cajole or push others into seeing things from our point of view. This is often why the "Boss" is thought of as inconsiderate or a poor manager.
DISC is the four quadrant behavioural model based on the work of William Moulton Marston PhD (1893–1947) to examine the behaviour of individuals in their environment or within a specific situation (otherwise known as environment). It therefore focuses on the styles and preferences of such behaviour.
Marston graduated from doctoral studies at Harvard in the newly developing field of psychology and was also a consulting psychologist, researcher, and author or co-author of five books. His works were showcased in Emotions of Normal People in 1928 among others
DISC profiling became a known assessment tool in companies throughout the world. DISC sheds light on the way employees work best. The system helps with customized strategies that allows employees to improve the way they work with others.
The DISC assessment profile looks at aspects of your personality. It doesn't measure intelligence or aptitude. Instead, it looks at indicators like how you respond to challenges and how well you work with others. You can use the DISC assessment as a personal assessment, and a leader can use it to improve team performance. And increase your self-awareness and improve your decision-making skills. The information you receive can help you both in your personal life and your work performance.
DISC assessments can be part of a selection process to ensure a “good fit”.
Career management and placement becomes a “safer bet” as employees better understand themselves and managers better understand the needs, strengths and interests of their employees. Money is saved and hassle is minimized by getting people into the right jobs.
If you have aspirations to move into management or you are running a department, DISC profiling will make a job much easier and help you to become a successful leader.
What is Virtual Body Language?
It is what other people see when talking on camera via the internet.
Now that we are in an age where online conversations, meetings, conferencing, webinars, presentations and training videos are the norm, it’s important to consider how your body language can help or hinder your virtual meeting.
We think at approximately 800 words per minute and we speak at roughly 100 wpm. When this increases to say 120 wpm the voice changes, it becomes flatter and causes the listener to think there is a problem.
A few different profiles. First to consider is Jennifer who is a "D". She is very motivated and ambitious. She focuses strongly on a set of personal goals and will go to great lengths to achieve these. She is quick-thinking and energetic, and will strive to achieve. Emotional or personal concerns are less important to this individual than the achievement of her objectives, and she can at times seem remote to others. Her competitive instincts are especially apparent when her position is challenged; she will go to great lengths to protect her own power base.
Next on the list is ALAN. He likes being known as a gregarious person who actively seeks contact with others. Alan develops relationships quickly and is naturally forthcoming on questions that others might find somewhat personal. Energetic and enthusiastic, he approaches life in a spirit of adventure; other less active types often find his apparently boundless energy difficult to deal with. His natural optimism sometimes leads him to act in ways that others might consider impulsive, but his social confidence and easy charm are sufficient for him to talk himself out of almost any difficult situation.
Having covered the "D" and "I" in previous weeks I think it might be a good idea to look at the "S" which is Emma.
She is a warm, friendly type of person, sympathetic to others and open to their ideas and feelings. She is interested in developing strong interpersonal ties with those around her, and can find it harder to work in environments where she feels unable to do this. She is reliable and loyal, especially to those she considers her close friends. A consequence of her amiable, receptive approach is that she will wish to avoid causing offence to others, and this can lead to her being reluctant to complain or stand up for her own rights. She is not a particularly motivated individual, and will tend to rely on other people to encourage her towards completion of specific tasks
Charles has an interest in structure and organization. He likes to be certain of his position, and will tend to research a situation thoroughly before coming to a conclusion. Charles thinks in terms of facts and rationality, and rarely concerns himself with the more personal side of problems. If placed under pressure by others, he will prefer to use logical argument or appeal to the facts, rather than become involved in a conflict situation. Because of his interest in fact and detail, and the somewhat reserved, undemonstrative element of his approach, Charles tends to have wide knowledge on a variety of subjects, and can represent a valuable resource. Hewill rarely volunteer information, however, and requires support and encouragement from others if he is to overcome his naturally aloof nature.
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